What is a role?

A role in Thoosa corresponds roughly to a job title within your organisation, for example, Lab Supervisor, Med Engineer or Nursing Assistant. It is very likely that all staff in that role share a common set of competency requirements. In fact, in Thoosa, a role is just a set of competencies. This makes it much easier for you to allocate the correct competencies to a member of staff; rather than allocate them individually, you assign the person to the role and all the correct competencies are automatically allocated.


Creating and managing Roles in Thoosa

Thoosa allows complete flexibility in defining and organising the roles that your organisation requires. These are managed via Admin, Roles in the main menu. 



Currently-defined roles are displayed in the upper left window. There is no limit to the number of roles that can be defined.


To select a role, click on its name in the list. You will see the competencies associated with that role in the lower left window.


To add a new role, click on the ellipsis in the Roles window and then on +Add Role.


Enter a name for the role in the Role Name box.


The window on the left displays a list of all the competencies currently defined in the system. To add a competency to the role, select and drag it into the Role Competencies window on the right. There is no limit to the number of competencies that can be added. To remove a competency from the role, drag it from right to left, from the Role Competencies window to the Competencies list. When you have finished, click Save.



To edit or delete a role, first make sure it is selected by clicking on its name. Click on the ellipsis in the Roles window and then on +Edit Role. Either edit the details of the role as described above, or Delete as required. Note that Thoosa will not let you delete a role if staff are currently assigned to it. This is to prevent loss of important data. You should very rarely need to delete a role and can only do so if you first delete all staff in that role.