What is a team?

A team in Thoosa corresponds roughly to a group of people or department in your organisation, for example, Radiography or Human Resources. It is very likely that all staff in a team share some competency requirements. This makes it much easier for you to allocate the correct competencies to a member of staff; rather than allocate them individually, you assign the staff member to the team and all the correct competencies are automatically allocated.


What is the relationship between teams, roles and competencies?

A team can have both roles and competencies associated with it. For example, a Surgical Ward in a hospital might require two doctors, two nurses and three nursing assistants. You could define these as roles (see Roles) and allocate them to the Team. In addition, the ward might also require some additional competencies that are not associated with specific roles. For example, it might be necessary for someone on the ward to have Safeguarding training: this could be any member of the staff so you could add it as a required competency for the team.


The Teams and Personnel screen in Thoosa

Thoosa allows complete flexibility in defining and organising the teams that your organisation requires. These are managed via Admin, Teams and Personnel in the main menu.


This screen is slightly more complex than others in the Admin menu:


  • The upper left window (Teams) displays the currently-defined teams and allows you to add and edit their required competencies. A new installation of Thoosa includes your whole organisation as the top-level team.
  • The lower left window displays the members of the currently selected team.
  • The main window on the right displays either:
    • details of the currently selected team, if you click on a team in Team window:




  • details of the currently selected staff member, if you click on a member of staff in the Personnel window. It also allows you to edit their personal details and assign them to teams. Note that you cannot add new staff here: to do that, use the Admin, On-Boarding menu.




Creating and Managing Teams in Thoosa





Thoosa allows you to build a tree structure of teams within your organisation. At the top level is a team representing your entire organisation. Beneath it you can create any number of layers, each containing an unlimited number of sub-teams.






Teams and competency cascading

To simplify the management of teams, competencies can be cascaded down the layers of the tree. For example, you may require all your staff to undergo regular Fire Safety training. Thoosa let’s you allocate this competency to the predefined, top level team and cascade it down your team tree so that it will automatically be allocated to all sub-teams. Thoosa is flexible in allowing you complete control over cascading: you can specify at which level cascading starts and which competencies are included.


To select a team, click on its name in the list. You will see the details of that team, including the required competencies associated with it, in the main window. You will see the members of that team in the lower left window.


To add a new team, click on the ellipsis in the Teams window and then on +Add Team.


Enter a name for the team in the Team Name box.


Select the required Parent Team from the list.


Click on the pen symbol above the Address box. A new window will open, allowing you enter a new address for the team or use a previously entered address. When you have entered or chosen an address, click Save.


On the next screen, you can enter individual contact details for the team. You can add multiple contacts if required. You can also add Attributes, such as phone numbers and web addresses, for the whole team. Click on Finish.


To edit a team’s basic details or delete a team, first select the team by clicking on its name in the Teams window. Click on the ellipsis in the Teams window and then on +Edit Team. Either edit the details of the team as described above, or Delete as required. Note that Thoosa will not let you delete a team if staff are currently assigned to it. This is to prevent loss of important data. You should very rarely need to delete a team and can only do so if you first delete all staff in that team.

To edit a team’s competency requirements, first select the team by clicking on its name in the Teams window. Click on the ellipsis in the Teams window and then on +Edit Requirements.


The Team Requirements window opens, allowing you to edit the roles and competencies associated with that team:




The Roles window to the top left displays a list of all the roles currently defined in the system. To add a role to the team, select and drag it into the Required Roles window on the right. Then either type or select the number of staff in that role that the team requires. There is no limit to the number of roles that can be added. To remove a role from the team, drag it from right to left, from the Required Roles window to the Roles list.


The Competencies window to the bottom left displays a list of all the competencies currently defined in the system. To add a competency to the team, select and drag it into the Required Competencies window on the right. Next, select the required cascading option for that competency:

  • Cascades, to require all staff in the team to have that competency and to cascade the requirement to all sub-teams.
  • All Core, to prevent cascading but to require all staff in the team to have that competency.
  • Specific, to prevent cascading and to specify how many team members require that competency.

There is no limit to the number of competencies that can be added. To remove a competency from the team, drag it from right to left, from the Required Competencies window to the Competencies list.

When you have finished, click Save.

Managing personnel in Thoosa

As described above, when you select a team member in the lower left window, that person’s details are displayed in the main window. Note that coloured dots next to a person’s name indicate that they are in the process of changing teams (blue dot) or joining the organisation (green dot). You can see details of the change by moving the mouse over the coloured dot. 



To add or change the profile picture, click on the profile picture box and select an image from your computer to upload. Use the curved arrow controls to rotate the image if necessary. Click Save when you have finished.


To edit the staff member’s personal details, Role and System Access click the pen symbol above the Details box.


Note that there are four levels of System Access:

  • Staff: the person can only xxxxxx
  • Manager: can xxx 
  • Trg Coord: can monitor training needs, plan training events and validate training
  • Admin: has full access to the system
  • Thoosa Mobile: ?


Click Save when you have finished.


To add or edit personal competency requirements, click the pen symbol above the Personal Requirements box. You can then drag individual competencies from the list on the left to add them to that person’s requirements. To remove existing requirements, drag them from right to left. Click Done to save your changes.


To edit the staff member’s contact information, click the pen symbol above the Contact Information box. As well as editing the Email Address and Mobile Number, you can enable or disable SMS and email notifications by clicking on the bell symbols next to the entry boxes.

To assign the staff member to a different team, or to record Leave of Absence or Leaving the Organisation, click on the ellipsis in the Assignment History list. The Add Assignment window opens. Select a Team from the Team list and a Start Date from the Start Date calendar. Note that at the bottom of the Team List are options for Leave of Absence and Leaving the Organisation. Click Save when you have finished. Note that the system keeps and displays a full history of past assignments.