What are providers and courses?

A provider is an organisation that offers training in order to satisfy competency requirements. A provider can be an external body or a part of your own organisation. Providers offer courses which satisfy specific competencies.


Creating and managing Providers and Courses in Thoosa

Thoosa allows complete flexibility in defining and organising the providers and courses that your organisation requires. These are managed via Admin, Providers and Courses in the main menu: 



Current providers are displayed in the upper-left window. There is no limit to the number of providers that can be defined. A new installation of Thoosa includes a default provider named “In-house Training Department”.


To select a provider, click on its name in the list. You will see the courses offered by the selected provider in the lower left window.


To add a new provider, click on the ellipsis in the Training Providers window and then on +Add Provider.


Enter the name and address of the new provider and then click Next.


On the next screen, you can enter individual contact details for the provider. You can add multiple contacts if required. You can also add Attributes, such as phone numbers and web addresses, for the provider as a whole. Click on Next and then check the Summary of what you have entered. If correct, then click on Finish, or Click on Back to edit your data.


To edit or delete a provider, first make sure it is selected by clicking on its name. Click on the ellipsis in the Providers window and then on +Edit Provider. Either, edit the details of the provider as described above, or Delete as required. Note that Thoosa will not let you delete a provider if courses offered by that provider are present in the system. This is to prevent loss of important data. You should very rarely need to delete a provider and can only do so if you first delete all courses offered by them.



Current courses are displayed in the lower left window. Only courses offered by the currently-selected provider are displayed.


To add a new course, click on the ellipsis in the lower left window and then on +Add Course.


Enter the name of the new course, select the competency which it satisfies and the pathway. Note that the pathways offered will be restricted to those appropriate for the competency. Click Next.


On the next screen, enter the course details requested:



The Product Code is optional but can be used to record the provider’s course code or reference. The Max Loading is the maximum number of delegates that can be accommodated on a single instance of the course. The E-Learning URL is only relevant for On Line courses and is optional. The Warning Period is used by Thoosa to alert managers that a competency requires reaccreditation. You can use the Availability field to flag courses that are no longer available by selecting the Withdrawn option. When you have entered the correct data, click Next.


On the next screen, you can add any additional notes about the course. Click on Next and then check the Summary of what you have entered. If correct, then click on Finish, or Click on Back to edit your data.


To edit or delete a course, first make sure it is selected by clicking on its name. Click on the ellipsis in the lower left window and then on +Edit Course. Either edit the details of the course as described above, or Delete as required. Note that Thoosa will not let you delete a course if it has dependencies elsewhere in the system, for example, if any staff have attended it.  This is to prevent loss of important data. You should very rarely need to delete a course. If a course is no longer relevant or available then mark it as Withdrawn as described above.