What is On-Boarding?

On-Boarding refers to the process of adding new staff members to Thoosa.


The On-Boarding screen in Thoosa

The left-hand window displays a list of staff who are currently in the process of On-Boarding. Coloured dots by the names indicate the need for action on your part (see the bottom of this page for a summary). You can see details of the required action by moving the mouse over the coloured dot. Click on the name of a person to see their details in the main window.


The main window displays the recruit’s personal details, personal competency requirements and any accreditation of their prior learning. The Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) window lists the competencies which have been validated by you (with a green background), entered by the recruit but not validated by you (amber background) or rejected by you (red background).



Entering a new recruit into Thoosa

To add a new recruit to the system, click on the ellipsis at the top of the list and click on Add Recruit. The New Staff Member window opens:




Enter their personal details, optional profile picture and Start Date.


The Manage APL option allows you to choose whether the new recruit can enter details of their own Prior Learning (Admin and Recruit) or not (Admin only). Note that if you allow them to enter their own details you will still have to review and approve them.


You must allocate the new recruit to Team though this could be your top-level, whole organisation.

You have the option of assigning a Role to the new recruit.


Click Save when you have finished. The new recruit’s details will now be displayed in the main window. There will be a blue dot next to their name in the recruit list. If you move the mouse over the dot you will see that your next task is to send an invitation to use Thoosa (see below).


To edit the details of a recruit, select their name in the list, and click on the pen symbol above the Details box in the main window. Edit their details as described above.


To add or edit personal competency requirements for a recruit, click on the pen symbol above the Personal Requirements box. You can then drag competencies from the list on the left of the window to the box on the right. Click Done to save your changes.


To accredit the recruit’s prior learning, click the ellipse in the Accreditation of Prior Learning window and click on Add Accreditation. The Add Accreditation window will open.:




Select a competency from the Competency list.

Select the date of accreditation from the Valid From calendar.

Optionally, upload a certificate for the accreditation.

Optionally, enter a Justification for the accreditation.

Click on save when you have finished.

The new accreditation will appear in the APL list. It will be displayed with a green background to indicate that it has been validated by you. If you require more evidence to be provided, for example a certificate, then you can change the Status to Pending Validation for later approval.


Issuing an invitation to a recruit

Once you have entered the details of a new recruit into Thoosa, the next step is to issue them an invitation to the system. This is an email, asking them to accept the terms and conditions and to set a password. It will also invite them to enter details of their prior learning, if you have opted to allow them to do this.


To issue an invitation to a recruit, select their name in the On-Boarding Staff list. Click on the ellipsis and then on Send Onboarding  Request . Note that this option will only be available if they have not yet been invited. Click on Release to confirm. The recruit will receive an email within 24 hours, as described above.


If a recruit does not respond to the invitation, a red dot will appear next to their name. If you move the mouse over the dot you will see the alert “Requires Hastening”. You should then issue them with another invitation by clicking on the ellipsis menu and clicking “Prompt Recruit”.


Validating a recruit’s self-accredited prior learning

Once a recruit has entered details of their prior learning (if you have allowed them to do so), a blue dot will appear next to their name in the list on the left. If you move the mouse the mouse over this dot you will see the alert “To proceed, all accreditations must be ‘Validated’ or ‘Rejected’. To respond to this prompt, click on the recruit’s name to display their details in the main window. Self-accredited competencies will be displayed as ‘Pending Validation’ with an amber background.


To validate or reject the recruit’s prior learning, click on the relevant competency in the APL window, and then on the down-arrow in the Status column. Click on the Accept or Reject button as required. Note that you can change the status later, for example if further evidence is provided.


Completing the On-Boarding process

Once the recruit has accepted the terms and conditions, set a password and all APL accreditations have been validated, you can complete the On-Boarding process.


To complete the On-Boarding process, select the recruit in the On-Boarding Staff list.  If you move the mouse over the blue dot next to the name you will see the message “Add more accreditations or ‘Complete the Onboarding’”. Click on the ellipsis and then on “Complete Onboarding”. The recruit’s name will no longer appear in the list.

Summary of action dots in On-Boarding Staff list:



Mouse over message

Status/action required

No dot


Waiting for action by recruit

Red dot

“Requires hastening”

Prompt recruit

Blue dot

“Invite not yet sent”

Send On-Boarding request

Blue dot

“To proceed, all accreditations must be ‘Validated’ or ‘Rejected’”

Validate the recruit’s prior learning

Blue dot

“Add more accreditations or ‘Complete the Onboarding’”

Check that all details are correct and that you have entered all Accreditations of Prior Learning. When ready, Complete Onboarding.