When you log in to Thoosa you will see the My Details page*, similar to the one shown below:


*If you are an Admin, Training Co-ordinator, Manager or Assessor you will have a different Home Page. To access the My Details page, click on the Account menu at the top right of the screen and then on My Details.

This page displays:

  • your basic staff details. If any of these are incorrect, please inform your line manager.
  • any training currently in progress.
  • your Assignment History. If this is incorrect, please inform your line manager.

Training in Progress

This box lists any training which is either planned, or completed but not yet validated.

You can see the details of any Arranged training by hovering your mouse over the blue information icon:

If you have a certificate from a completed training course, you can upload it by clicking on the relevant competency and then on the certificate icon on the right of the row:


You will see a window similar to that shown below. Click on the Upload certificate icon as shown:

You can then select the file containing the certificate. Note that this must be an image file. You can optionally add any description or explanation in the Justification box.

Certificates that you upload will be validated by your manager.

You can also upload a certificate for any competency, not just those listed under Training in Progress, for example for training completed in a previous role or employment. To do this, click on the ellipsis at the top-right of the list, and then on +Submit Accreditation:

Select the relevant competency and upload the certificate as described above.

The Competence button

You can view all your competencies by clicking on the Competence button at the top-left of the window:

The Coverage graphic gives an overview of your progress in achieving the competencies required for your role and team. This graphic is also displayed on the My Details screen. You can see the percentage coverage by hovering over the coloured rings:


The Historic Coverage chart shows changes in coverage over the last six months as a result of training courses you have attended and expiry of older accreditations. It also shows how your coverage compares with the average for your organisation. 

The My Competencies table shows all your competencies, including those not currently required for your job. The list is colour-coded as follows:

GreenYou are currently accredited in this competency
AmberYour accreditation expires soon
OchreYour accreditation expires this month
RedYou are not currently accredited
GreyThis competency is not required in your current job

You can view details of an accreditation by clicking on the relevant competency and then on the arrow at the right of the row:

You can also view training dates and upload certificates as described in the section above.

The Timeline button

You can see the past and future status of your competencies by clicking on the TImeline button:

You can see details of past and future accreditations by hovering over the required competency: