This page applies only to users with a management role within Thoosa.

If you have a manager's account on Thoosa (Admin, Training Co-ordinator, Manager, or Assessor), then when you log in you will see your personal Dashboard page. Initially, this will be empty. You can customise this page to give you an overview of your teams' training needs:

Creating widgets on your Dashboard

To create a new widget, click on the New Widget button at the top of the screen. 

Three types of widget are available: Chart, Gauge and Coverage. 

The Chart widget

The Chart widget shows the status of a single team across all competencies.

To create a Chart widget:

  1. Select Chart as the Widget Type.
  2. Select the required  team from the Root Team list.
  3. Enter a title in the title box.
  4. Optionally, change the levels for the Amber and Green colour coding.

The chart will appear on your dashboard:

You can:

  1. Hover over a competency bar to see the % coverage.
  2. Drag the chart to reposition it.
  3. Edit, resize, duplicate or delete the chart.
  4. Save the chart as an image.

The Gauge widget

The Gauge widget displays a single value for the status for one or more teams across one or more competencies.

To create a Gauge widget:

  1. Select Gauge as the Widget Type.
  2. Select the required team(s) from the Team(s) list.
  3. Select the required competency(ies) from the Competencies list.
  4. Enter a title in the title box.
  5. Optionally, change the levels for the Amber and Green colour coding.

The Gauge will appear on your dashboard:

You can reposition, resize, edit, duplicate or delete the gauge as required.

The Coverage widget

The Coverage widget displays the status of a single staff member across all competencies.

To create a Coverage widget:

  1. Select Coverage as the Widget Type.
  2. Select the required Staff Member from the list.
  3. Enter a title in the title box.

The Coverage widget will appear on your dashboard:

You can see the percentage coverage by hovering over the coloured rings.

You can reposition, resize, edit, duplicate or delete the Coverage widget as required.

There is no limit to the number of widgets you can create on your dashboard:

Remember to save your dashboard before you exit Thoosa.