Thoosa helps you to anticipate your current and upcoming training needs and ensure that your staff have the competencies they require.

This page shows you how to monitor your training needs. If you want to go straight on to Plan a Training Event, click here.


An overview of your situation is provided by the Training, Event Planning window:



You can select the team you are monitoring in the Teams menu on the left, or, alternatively, view the needs of your whole organisation.


The Plan Now column lists all competencies for which there is a current shortfall.


The Plan Soon column lists all competencies for which there will be a shortfall in the near future. How far Thoosa “looks ahead” is configured when your system is installed.


 An additional tool for monitoring your training needs is provided by the Skills, Team Personnel window:



This gives more details, including the requirements and number of competent staff. The Deficit column corresponds to the Plan Now column in the Training, Event Planning window.


You can see more details by clicking on an individual competency and then on the down arrow at the right of the row:



This will break down the data by team:



In the example above, we can see that the deficit in Safeguarding Children is in the Children’s Ward, that Accident and Emergency has a surplus of qualified staff and that there are also qualified staff in two other teams that do not have any requirements for this competency. Note that the deficit in the Children’s Ward is highlighted by the use of red text.

The Skills, Team Personnel window gives a different view if you select an individual team in the Teams window. If the team you select is not at the bottom level of the teams tree, that is to say it has sub-teams, then the view will be filtered to include only that team but will otherwise be as described above. If the team you select has no sub-teams, then you can see the names of the staff who currently hold that competency:



Now that you have assessed your training needs, it's time to Plan some Training Events