Once you have identified your training priorities you can use the Training, Event Planning window to plan events.


Start by deciding whether the Training event will be restricted to a specific Team or be available to all staff in your organisation. To restrict it to one team, select that Team in the Teams window on the left; otherwise make sure the whole organisation is selected. Then select the required competency in the list and click on the plus (+) symbol at the right of the row:



 The Training Event Wizard will open:



In the example above, the Delivery Method, Provider and Course & Version boxes are pre-filled. This is because in this case there is only one course available for this competency. If there are multiple options then you must select the ones you want from the drop-down lists.


Once you are happy with your selection, click Next.


The Add Event form will open:


Note: before completing the following steps, you might need to contact the Provider about course availability, delegate numbers and other relevant details.


Start by selecting the date(s) for the course. If the course lasts more than one day, then you must select both start and end dates.


Next, select the Start Time: the default is 9:00 am but you can change this as appropriate.


The Max Loading box is used to set the maximum number of delegates that the course can accommodate. This will have been preset by your Administrator but you can edit this if necessary.


A default Training Venue is displayed. Click on the pen icon to view other available venues and select one.


The Certificate Provider dropdown allows you to choose between Training Provider and In House certification options. If the external training provider issues their own certificate then choose this option: in this case trainees will have to upload their certificates in to Thoosa after completing the course. Alternatively, choose the In House option which will generate certificates automatically and store them in the Thoosa system.


Click the Next button. This form will open:



The boxes on this form are all optional. Use Delegate Notes to provide useful information for attendees which will be included in the email invitation sent to them.


Click the Next button. This form will open:


Use this form to select delegates for the training event. If you selected a Team before you started the wizard then the list of staff in the Personnel window will include only members of that Team. Otherwise it will include all Teams within your organisation.


Use the Filters on the left to include/exclude staff according to their current competency status or their Roles.


To add staff to the Training Event, drag their names from the Personnel list to the Delegates list. The counter above the Delegates list shows how many delegates you have added. If you add more than the Max Loading for the event, the counter will turn red and you will not be able to click the Next button until you have removed the excess delegates.


When you have added the required delegates, click the Next button.


The final step is to decide whether to Release the event immediately or to Release it later. If you Release Now, the event will be activated and delegates will receive email invitations the following day. If you choose to Release Later, no emails will be sent yet; you might prefer to do this if you need to check course availability or review your choice of delegates. To release the course at a later date, use the Training, Events in Progress menu option.