Once you have planned a Training Event, it will appear in the Training, Events in Progress window:


This lists all Training Events which have been planned but not yet taken place, as well as past events which requires action. Click on a row to see details or take action.


To release a planned event marked as Pending Release

Click on the event and then on the pen icon. The Training Event wizard will open, as described in Planning Training Events. You can then work through the wizard and release the event.


To edit or delete a planned event

Click on the event and then on the pen icon. The Training Event wizard will open, as described in Planning Training Events. You can then edit the event details, change the delegates or delete the event as required.


To respond to Certificate Overdue warning



This event has taken place but some delegates have not uploaded their certificates. To take action, click on the delegate’s name and then on the ellipsis menu.  Click on Overdue Prompt to send an email, reminding them to upload their certificate. Alternatively, you can open the Validate Training form and proceed to validate the training without certification, upload a certificate yourself or reject the training (see below for how to do this).


To Respond to Pending Validation warning and validate training



This trainee has completed the training event and uploaded their certificate. As Training co-ordinator, you should now validate their training. To do this, click on their name and then on the clipboard icon, which will open the Validate Training form:


You can upload a certificate and/or mark the training as Validated, Rejected or Held.


If you choose to Validate, then the trainee will receive an email notification that they have successfully completed the training.


If you choose to Reject, perhaps because you know that the trainee did not attend or successfully complete the training, the trainee will also be notified.


You might select the Hold option if you require more time to review the situation. In this case, the trainee will also be notified. 


To respond to Not Released Error



This error occurs if you don’t release a course before it is due to take place. To resolve this, click on the pen icon. You will see this message:


If the error arose because the training event was cancelled then click on Delete Event. If the event did take place then click on Fix Event and then on Fix to confirm. The delegates will be sent an email asking them to upload their certificates for the course.